Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Café Piquet: Cuban Cuisine


The island of Cuba lies about ninety miles south of the Florida Keys. Rice and beans are popular foods as well as fried plantains, tubers, and vegetables. Beef, pork, and chicken are also main foods.

The outside of Café Piquet was very nice. There was an outdoor patio with a white banister and a statue. The outside was very pretty. On the inside there were signs and license plates. The inside was not as pretty as the outside.

The food was good but not spectacular. I had a Pechuga de Pollo a la Plancha. It was a grilled chicken breast. It tasted good. There was white rice, black beans, and ripe plantains. Overall the meal was delicious. My friend who got the Cuban Sampler loved her food as well; however, my other friend who got the Ropa Bieja did not like her food at all.

The overall experience was good. The location was far away and seemed like in the middle of no where. However, the parking was good. We found a spot in no time. Café Piquet was a nice looking restaurant. The customer service was good. Everyone was so nice and helpful. The prices were fine and the food was pleasant. I would recommend Café Piquet to adults who like to try new things or adults who do not have picky children.

Location- 2 Stars
Parking- 4 Stars
Ambiance- 4 Stars
Customer service- 5 Stars
Price range- 4 Stars
Quality of food- 4 Stars

The Inside

Ropa Bieja

Pechuga de Pollo a la Plancha
Cuban Sampler


  1. This is such a great and thorough review of Cafe Piquet! Thank you for writing this it helps so much before I go here with my family!Thanks Food Critic

  2. WOW! great review! I read this blog and it really inspired me! thanks!

  3. Thanks for this awesome review! I will know what to order and who to take with me next time I go! Love the pictures! Thanks for bloggging!
