Friday, March 11, 2011

The Original Marini’s Empanada House


The restaurant I went to was The Original Marini’s Empanada House. This food is from Argentina. Argentina is one of the world's major food producers. It is a major producer of meat (especially beef), wheat, corn, milk, beans, and soybeans. Given the country's vast production of beef, red meat is an especially common part of the Argentine dietAsado, dulce de leche, empanadas and yerba mate are also found throughout Argentina. An empanada is among the most popular street foods in Brazil. The pastry is available at food carts, fast food restaurants, and gas stations. It is a piece of stuffed bread that comes with various fillings such as meat, seafood, seasonal vegetables, cheese, and sauces.

The outside and inside of The Original Marini’s Empanada House is nice. There is nothing grand about it but it is a nice looking place.

I had two plain cheese, and one four cheeses empanadas. They were divine. They were so delicious. These empanadas were everybody’s favorites. Everybody loved them. For dessert I had a chocolate empanada. It was lovely. These empanadas were the best!

My experience at The Original Marini’s Empanada House was amazing. The Original Marini’s Empanada House is my favorite restaurant so far! The location was great and there were many parking spaces. The ambiance was not the greatest but it works. The customer service was fantastic! The owner came out and talked with us! He was so sweet. He informed us about the restaurant. The prices of the food were great. They were so reasonable. My empanadas were spectacular. They were so delicious. I am going back to The Original Marini’s Empanada House. It may be one of my favorite restaurants ever. I would recommend this restaurant to anybody and everybody. It was so great! It is perfect for any time or non dressy occasion. I can’t wait to go back!  

Location-5 Stars
Parking- 5 Stars
Ambiance- 4 Stars
Customer service- 5 Stars
Price range- 5 Stars
Quality of food- 5 Stars

The Outside
The Inside



  1. This food looks amazing!! i cant wait ot try it out! The empanadas look great and the service sounds fantastic. thanks i found a new retuarunt

  2. I like this blog and this restaurant alot! The blog itself tells the background information and shows many pictures! It is awesome! I agree completely with the review! I can't wait to go back and eat some empanadas with my friends! Thanks for blogging!

  3. WHOA! Great blog! Your blog is so imfomative and I love what you wrote about the owner. Thanks!

  4. Awesome blog! I really enjoyed reading your review and it was really helpful! Thanks! Oh and great pictures by the way. Whoever took them is really good
